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What is Bazi?
How to use it?

What is Bazi?

Bazi, commonly known as 'Four Pillars Eight Characters 四柱八字,' is a highly precise metaphysical system with around 2000 years of history that dates back to the Han Dynasty. It is a meticulous formulation consisting of observations and the study of astronomy, climatology, yin-yang principles, the Five Elements, Eastern philosophy, and human nature.

Using the birth date and time, a set of codes composed of Heavenly Stems "天干“ and Earthly Branches ”地支" is calculated and assigned to form the four pillars, namely the "Year Pillar," "Month Pillar," "Day Pillar," and "Hour Pillar."


How to use it?

By employing the four pillars along with the 10-year luck cycle and yearly luck cycle, individuals can understand their potential and challenges across different aspects of life—whether in career, relationships, health, and more—during that specific period. This information serves as an excellent reference, helping one to optimize their resources when making informed decisions.

With more than 500,000 possible combinations, Bazi emerges as one of the most insightful tools for deciphering an individual's nature, personality, and attributes.

Although Bazi can provide valuable insights and guidance, given its abstract and complex nature, it is essential to consult a qualified practitioner with a deep understanding of its principles for interpretation.

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