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Wood Dragon Year (甲辰年) 2024

Lichun (立春) marks the beginning of Spring and is the first of the 24 solar terms on the Chinese lunar calendar. It sees the commencement of snow melting, typically occurring around February 4th.

立春 农历新年 春节 龙年 甲辰年 2024 2025 运程 节气 运势 生肖 鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙 蛇 马 羊 猴 鸡 狗 猪
Lichun and Chinese New Year 2024 & 2025

As illustrated in the charts above, Lichun in 2024 commences on February 4th at 16:37, with the Chinese New Year following six days later on February 10th. In 2025, the Chinese New Year starts on January 29th, and Lichun occurs on February 3rd, just 5 days after the Chinese New Year. Consequently, this Wood Dragon Year is considered a year without Lichun (无春年). Typically, such years exhibit a damp beginning and a cold winter.

As Lichun arrives earlier than Chinese New Year, the melting snow signals the onset of Spring before the New Year begins. This early transition brings warmer temperatures and increased rainfall during the initial months of the year. Such weather conditions in Spring and Summer may accelerate the breeding of insects, particularly mosquitoes. To mitigate this, it is advisable to prioritize cleanliness and avoid stagnant water.

Chinese Almanac 永经堂 通胜 甲辰年2024 TongSheng for Chinese Bazi, fengshui and auspicious dates
Chinese Almanac 永经堂 通胜 甲辰年2024

甲辰年 春牛图,地母经 spring ox & cowherd pictures
Earth Mother Classic extracted from the Chinese Almanac

Quoting the 'Earth Mother Classic' (地母经) for Wood Dragon Year:






According to the 'Earth Mother Classic,' we can expect :

  1. The Year of the Wood Dragon is to witness extreme climate events, including floods, droughts, and colder winters globally. These conditions may impact agriculture, leading to potential crop and commodity plant yield reductions, as well as livestock being affected by diseases or food shortages.

  2. During the second half of the year (Autumn-Winter), logistics and supply chain activities may encounter disruptions. In addition to focusing on cost efficiency, businesses should also pay attention to building the robustness and resilience of their regional supply chain strategy.

  3. Despite the concerted efforts of governments worldwide to stabilize inflation rates, there remains a possibility of increasing consumer prices, which are caused by the heightened volatility and uncertainty driven by unforeseen global circumstances and unpredictable weather events. Individuals and businesses need to exercise caution and navigate the terrain thoughtfully throughout the year, especially during the Winter to mitigate these potential challenges.

  4. Manufactured goods will be in demand with a steady stream of buyers. However, activities are likely to be tapered down in the last quarter of the lunar year.

  5. All transactions, trading & outlook of the stock market may also slow down or face challenges during the Winter. In light of these challenges, prudence is strongly advised in financial decision-making.

This year may be a year filled with uncertainty. However, uncertainty can either pose a challenge or present an opportunity. By understanding oneself (for example, summer and autumn generally are favorable periods for a strong wood person), recognizing one's aptitudes and limitations (which can be determined by the interrelation of the 5-elements in one’s Bazi chart), and knowing when to strategically employ one’s strengths to navigate the unique demands of this year with calculated steps, one can transform uncertainty into an advantage and reap the rewards

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