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Grasp opportunities in 2024

2024 is Jia Chen (甲辰) year, also known as the Wood Dragon year. Jia (甲) in the heavenly stems corresponds to the Wood element. Chen (辰) in the earthly branches represents the Dragon in the zodiac and is associated with the Earth element.

甲辰, 甲辰年, 2024, 龙年, 戊土, 乙木, 癸水, 偏财, 劫财, 正印, 八字, 甲木,辰土, 生肖, 运势, 事业, 命运, 算命,易经, 中医, 中药, 食谱, 食疗, 药膳, TCM, herbs, fate, destiny, career, luck, health, indigestion, promotion, bazi, Singapore

Heavenly Stem: Jia (甲) Wood

Jia (甲) is the first among the ten heavenly stems, representing new beginnings and growth. It is symbolized as yang wood, resembling a tall and sturdy tree with branches that grow upwards towards the sky. The Jia Wood has traits of being strong and unyielding, with a keen inclination towards pursuing new knowledge.

Earthly Branch : Chen(辰 - Dragon)Earth

Chen (辰), the Dragon in the earthly branch, is associated with yang earth. It contains the energies of 戊 (Wu) earth, followed by 乙 (Yi) wood and 癸 (Gui) water elements. Astrologically, Chen (辰) represents moist earth or lush grasslands, and it exhibits the characteristics of intelligence and charisma.

Opportunities in 2024

This year, we can expect a mix of opportunities and challenges. The 'Unconventional Wealth' star suggests that unexpected opportunities could arise, while the 'Rob Wealth' star indicates that these opportunities may come with challenges and competition. To effectively address these challenges, it is advisable to adopt a collaborative approach or work in teams. Additionally, sharing resources and striving for mutual benefits can help manage the competition. The 'Direct Resource' star emphasizes the importance of continuously improving one's skills and knowledge to take advantage of these opportunities. Individuals must also exercise caution and do enough research before engaging in the opportunities. Overall, in this Wood Dragon year, the focus should be on teamwork, continuous learning, and readiness to seize the opportunities amid the competition

This is a general overview of the energies present in 2024, and the effect may varies based on individual's Bazi chart.

Wellness and Balance in the Year of the Wood Dragon: A TCM Perspective

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that maintaining a balance between the five elements is essential for overall health and wellness.

An imbalance is anticipated in 2024, with Wood energy slightly overpowering Earth resulting in the following:

The wood element is associated with the liver and gallbladder and is responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of qi (the body’s vital energy) within the body. Due to the dominant wood element present, this year can lead to an irregular flow of Liver-Qi, causing adverse emotions such as getting irritated or frustrated easily. To alleviate these effects, exercising regularly, practising deep breathing, and eating healthily can be helpful. Incorporating Chinese celery, goji berries, luffa, or a cup of rose tea into the diet can be beneficial in balancing the Wood element.

The earth element is associated with the spleen and stomach and is responsible for maintaining good digestive health. This year, the wood element is relatively stronger than the earth indicating that adverse emotions will disrupt the digestive system, causing bowel irregularities or nutrient absorption issues. This could lead to fatigue and low energy levels. To counteract these effects, eating foods like potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, and millet can balance the Earth element and enhance nutrient absorption.

The Fire element is associated with the heart and small intestine, is responsible for blood circulation, and is related to our 'mind'. During years with pronounced Wood element, individuals with a strong Fire element in their Bazi charts may experience increased anxiety and restlessness, particularly during 2024 February (丙寅月Yang Fire & Wood) and March (丁卯月Yin Fire & Wood). In such times, the Fire energy is further intensified, leading to elevated negative emotions. These can affect sleep quality, result in unsettling dreams or insomnia, and cause increased restlessness. Therefore, staying hydrated, regulating emotions, and incorporating regular walks or yoga into one's routine is important. Additionally, watermelon, bitter gourd, cucumber salads, lotus seeds, and lily bulbs can help balance the Fire element.

To summarize, the strong presence of Wood energy this year might cause increased agitation or anger. It is essential to stay calm and rational when making important decisions. Calming activities like listening to music and taking regular walks can help mitigate these effects. Combined with a nutritious diet, these practices can promote mental and physical health, leading to greater clarity and vitality. This, in turn, enhances our decision-making abilities and provides us with the energy to pursue our goals.

Suggested Recipe ~ Chinese yam with snow fungus & goji berries dessert (山药木耳枸杞汤)


This recipe is beneficial for nourishing the yin of the spleen, thereby aiding in strengthening the digestive system. Lotus seeds and lily bulbs are known for calming the mind and improving symptoms of insomnia and restlessness. Goji berries help nourish the liver, which in turn moisturizes and “brightens” the eyes (养肝明目), thus alleviating problems of dry eyes.

Red dates, Snow Fungus, white fungus, Goji Berries, Wolf Berries, Chinese Yam, huaishan, Luck, fotune, Lotus Seed, Lily Bulb, 山药, 淮山, 白木耳,雪耳, 红枣, 枸杞, 莲子, 百合, 甜品,降火, 消化, 养身, TCM,

山药,淮山, 红枣, 枸杞, 雪耳, 白木耳, 木耳, 莲子, 百合, snow fungus, white fungus, wolf berries, goji berries, lotus seed, lily bulb, chinese yam, huaishan, dessert, Chinese dessert, cooling dessert, 甜品, 降火, heaty


  1. Chinese yam - 150g

  2. Snow fungus - 60g

  3. Red dates (pitted) - 10pcs

  4. Lotus seed - 15pcs

  5. Lily bulbs - 2 tablespoons

  6. Goji berries - 1 tablespoon

  7. Rock sugar - to taste

  8. About 1.5 litres of water


  1. Remove the skin from the Chinese yam and cut it into cubes.

  2. Soak the snow fungus in warm water until it softens (about 15 minutes), then trim off the dry yellowish parts and cut them into small pieces.

  3. Soak the lotus seeds for at least 5 hours or overnight.

  4. Pry open the lotus seed into half with a small knife to remove any green sprouts.

  5. Rinse the red dates, lily bulbs, and goji berries before cooking.

  6. Bring a pot of water to a boil, and add all the ingredients except for the goji berries and rock sugar. Continue to cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes; lower the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes until the snow fungus becomes soft.

  7. Add in the rock sugar and cook until it dissolves. Turn off the heat 3 minutes after adding the goji berries.

  8. Ready to serve.


* People with a cold body constitution can add ginger to the dessert to promote blood circulation and disperse the “wind” and coldness.

** The information provided is for wellness maintenance and not professional medical advice. For health concerns, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.


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