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Exploring the Ten Deities (Part 2) ~ Profiles and Career Paths

The Concept of 10 Deities

The diagram explains the relationship of the 10 Deities.
Relationship Among The Ten Deities

The diagram above explains the relationship of the 10 Deities.

The Ten Deities & The Characteristics

The Ten Deities & The Characteristics | In Bazi Chart analysis, deities are identified by examining how each element interacts with the DM and its polarity relationship with it. For example, let's take a  Jia (甲) Wood DM. In this case, 壬 (Ren) Water would be identified as the "Indirect Resource". We can see that the Water element produces the DM (Yang Wood), and both 甲 and 壬 have the same Yang polarity. On the other hand, 癸 (Gui) Water would be identified as a "Direct Resource" because its polarity, Yin, is opposite to the DM. The characteristics indicate suitable career paths for the DM
The Ten Deities & The Characteristics

The diagram above illustrate how ten deities related to career paths

生我者为印星 ~ Elements that produce DM (Input) are defined as Resource Stars

克我者为官杀 ~ Elements that control DM are defined as Officer Stars

我生者为食伤 ~ Elements that are generated by DM (Output) are defined as Talent Stars

我克者为财星 ~ Elements that are controlled by DM are defined as Wealth Stars

同我着为比劫 ~ Elements that are identical to DM are defined as Peers Stars

In Bazi Chart analysis, deities are identified by examining how each element interacts with the DM and its polarity relationship with it. For example, let's take a Jia (甲) Wood DM. In this case, 壬 (Ren) Water would be identified as the "Indirect Resource". We can see that the Water element produces the DM (Yang Wood), and both 甲 and 壬 have the same Yang polarity. On the other hand, 癸 (Gui) Water would be identified as a "Direct Resource" because its polarity, Yin, is opposite to the DM.

The Ten Profiles

Bazi astrology is a useful tool for career profiling. Analyzing the 10 deities provides a general assessment, offering a preliminary overview of an individual’s characteristics and suggesting potential career paths. A comprehensive review of the Bazi chart is essential for fully understanding an individual’s natural tendencies and capabilities. This analysis is beneficial in academic and organizational settings, helping to align personal strengths with specific roles.

Direct Officer - 正官格

Individuals with a 'Direct Officer' profile highly value order, discipline, and control, adhering strictly to rules to avoid mistakes. When favourable in the chart, the individual behaves responsibly and honestly, taking pride in maintaining their reputation. Known for their fairness and justice, these individuals approach their duties with strictness and structure yet remain flexible and assess situations impartially.

Suitable career options include researcher, civil servant, supervisor, engineer, and various management and leadership positions in established corporations.

Seven Killings - 七杀格

Individuals with a 'Seven Killings' profile thrive on constant movement and are inclined toward fieldwork or tasks outside a conventional office setting. They possess an adventurous spirit and are forthright in expressing their opinions, even at the risk of offending others, to achieve their goals. When favourable in the chart, the 'Seven Killings' profile is highly driven, ambitious, and courageous—qualities that often lead to success in entrepreneurial ventures, particularly when aligned with favourable luck cycles.

Suitable career options include military officers, surgeons, martial arts coaches, or entrepreneurs.

Direct Resource - 正印格

People with a 'Direct Resource' profile are known for their friendly, warm, and kind personalities. They are kind-hearted, passionate about learning, and deeply appreciate traditions. When favourable in the chart, they exhibit wisdom, uphold strong moral and ethical values, and possess excellent analytical skills, enabling them to make calm, well-informed decisions.

Suitable career options include those that require care, patience, specialized knowledge, or scholastic, such as secretary, lecturer, childcare, analyst, etc

Indirect Resource - 偏印格

Individuals with an 'Indirect Resource' profile prefer solitude, which may sometimes be perceived as erratic by others. They are generally introverted, often preferring to observe rather than initiate conversations. When positioned favorably in the chart, these individuals demonstrate astuteness, are highly intuitive & focus, and possess a strong learning capacity. Given their introverted nature, they thrive in careers that operate behind the scenes or involve working solo.

Suitable career options for them include roles such as coder, movie director, writer, artist, data analyst, or research scientist. Given their high intuition, careers in metaphysical teachings or practices are also recommended.

Friend Star - 比肩格

Individuals with a 'Friend Star' profile exhibit exceptionally high self-esteem, independence, and confidence. When favorable in the chart, these individuals are motivation-oriented and resilient. Once they commit to a goal, they persistently and consistently put in the utmost effort to achieve it.

Suitable career options include those that require good motor skills, such as sportsmen, athletes, explorers, pilots, divers, dentists, chefs etc.

Rob Wealth - 劫财格

Individuals with a 'Rob Wealth' profile are known for their charming personalities. They tend to treat others with generosity and chivalry, rarely holding grudges. When the profile is favourable in the chart, individuals are excellent at bringing people to pursue shared objectives. Their charismatic ability to inspire enables them to lead large groups effectively toward common goals.

Suitable career options include self-employment, freelance work, influencer, and roles that require good motor skills, such as those in the "Friend Star" profile.

Explicit Talent - 伤官格

Individuals with an 'Explicit Talent' profile are known for their exceptional multi-talented skills and eloquence, particularly with the '伤官泄秀' structure. This structure indicates a strong Day Master (DM) in the Bazi chart, with an adequate level of the Explicit Talent star. When favorable, this profile often leads to significant success opportunities. Specific structures, such as '伤官生财' (Explicit Talent star producing the Wealth star) and '伤官配印' (Explicit Talent star coupled with the Resource star), can lead to considerable wealth or fame, especially during the right luck cycles.

Suitable career options for individuals with this profile include being a lawyer, journalist, news anchor, show presenter, influencer, software developer, designer, and entrepreneur. They may also excel in the arts, such as calligraphy, drawing, or literature.

Implicit Talent - 食神格

Individuals with an 'Implicit Talent' profile share many similarities with those possessing 'Explicit Talent.' However, the key difference is that people with an 'Implicit Talent' profile tend to showcase their abilities more subtly and indirectly.

Suitable career options are similar to those recommended for the 'Explicit Talent' profile. Additionally, individuals with an 'Implicit Talent' profile often have a passion for food, suggesting that a career as a food critic could be a potential path to consider.

Direct Wealth - 正财格

Individuals with a 'Direct Wealth' profile in their Bazi chart are often recognized for their prudent and frugal characteristics. They tend to be grounded and honest when favorable in the chart, preferring stable careers and incomes. They approach tasks methodically, step by step, and are detail-oriented, making them reliable for significant responsibilities.

Suitable career options may include Financial Analyst, Accountant, Auditor, Wealth Management, or Banker.

Indirect Wealth - 偏财格

Individuals with an 'Indirect Wealth' profile in their Bazi chart are known for their sociable personality and abundant energy in seeking wealth. When favourable in the chart, they exhibit good business insight and acumen. Coupled with their high level of financial intelligence, courage, and strong initiative, they can effectively accumulate wealth, making them savvy entrepreneurs.

Suitable career options include trade, business develoment, sales, retail, investment, influencer, or entrepreneurship.


Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present
Master OogWay famous quote


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