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About Lynn

Lynn is a Metaphysics Practitioner living in Singapore. She believes that while hard work is essential, it must be accompanied by understanding one's strengths and timely actions to achieve the goal.

During her school years, Lynn tutored two foreign brothers who had just arrived in Singapore. She worked hand in hand with their dedicated mother, coaching the boys to successfully secure admission to the schools they had long aspired to attend. 

Everyone is a unique individual with their own personal characteristics. By identifying and working with these traits, we can help them perform more effectively.

In her early career, Lynn was fortunate to receive guidance from two mentors who provided her with valuable wisdom, faith, and support. The first mentor was the general manager at the time, who taught her essential business skills and emphasized the importance of creating win-win situations to build mutually beneficial long-term relationships. After his return to his country, his successor, Lynn's next mentor, continued to offer the same level of guidance and support, enabling her to accomplish her tasks effectively. Thanks to the mentorship she received and her efforts, Lynn successfully led her department through the challenging period of the Asian Financial Crisis, setting new records and excelling in the market.

​Having a mentor or benefactor (贵人)can significantly enhance one's success. Therefore, knowing when a mentor will appear while pursuing personal goals is highly advantageous.​

After starting a family, Lynn left her professional career and moved overseas with her family, spending several years in Taiwan and Shanghai. Her time abroad deepened her appreciation for various cultures. Lynn observed that everyone is born with inherent talent and skill, regardless of nationality, financial status, or social standing. When these natural attributes are discovered and utilized, individuals can better manage their lives.

天生我才必有所用 (Everyone has their own talents).


Having been a stay-at-home mom for many years, Lynn gained an understanding of children's perspectives, enabling her to communicate with them effectively.

By seeing things from a child's point of view and understanding their experiences, we can better support and guide them to grow in a happy and stress-free environment.


Metaphysics offers comprehensive insights to help us better understand ourselves and enhance personal development. Lynn feels that this field of work is a natural extension of her professional experiences and personal reflections.

Today, Lynn is dedicated to studying and practising metaphysical concepts. She holds a Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) certificate and is pursuing a Diploma in Chinese Medicated Food Dietician. Lynn believes that maintaining a healthy mind and body improves decision-making, allowing individuals to progress toward their goals. She integrates these principles into her work, guiding clients to achieve success and holistic wellness.

In her leisure time, Lynn enjoys preparing simple, nutritious TCM-inspired dishes and desserts.


Updated on 13 September 2024

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