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Be the Architect of

Our Own Destiny

Bazi is also known as "Four Pillars Eight Characters 四柱八字". It is a highly precise metaphysical formulation that has a long history...

Lynn is a Metaphysics Practitioner living in Singapore. She believes that hard work and understanding one's strengths are essential to achieving one's objectives.

Grasp opportunities in 2024. Lots of apples,  fruits bringing in good luck
The Five Elements in Bazi and Metaphysics 八字 五行

Exploring the Ten Deities (Part 1)

~ The Theory

Prosperous oranges and 8 treasures soup
Day Master and the Ten Deities 日主 和 十神

Exploring the Ten Deities (Part 2)

~ Profiles and Career Paths

Introductory Report


A glimpse of your Bazi chart.

Upgrade yourself with an essential understanding of your Bazi Elements

Our Services

  • Unlock the potential. Discover hidden Strength & Talent. Understand th...

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    45 min

    From 128 Singapore dollars
  • Personality profiling & analysis of work style, characters, strengths ...

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    45 min

    From 128 Singapore dollars
  • For parents to maximize the child's potential in a happy and healthy w...

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    45 min

    From 128 Singapore dollars
  • Elevate your relationship with your loved one

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    30 min

    From 88 Singapore dollars
  • To nurture our body & mind with natural foods & herbs according to ind...

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    30 min

    From 88 Singapore dollars

Every employee plays a crucial role in an organization. The challenge faced by employers nowadays lies in correctly assigning their staff to suitable roles, ensuring their well-being, and simultaneously leveraging their strengths for optimal productivity. Bazi can play an instrumental role in this process by reflecting on each individual's strengths, true innate potential, and passion. Employers can use Bazi as a reference tool to strengthen cohesive and effective teamwork within the organization.

We provide customized solutions for companies to promote teamwork & and productivity by identifying and aligning employees' work styles with the company's business model and vision.

Work styles

  1. Communication style

  2. Analytical style

  3. Decision-making preference

  4. Understanding employee motivation and desire

  5. Work/ team preference

  6. Short & long-term growth potential

  7. Hidden strengths

  8. Others

Events / Parties

Let us make your event a fun-filled and enjoyable one 

with Bazi kiosk, Bazi talk, and many more

1) Company D&D,

2) Party & celebrations~ Birthday, Wedding etc

3) Team bonding activities

4) Cohesion activities. etc

For events and workshop inquiries, please contact us for details

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